IL-1 Binding to a Cell Receptor
Signalling molecule binding to its cell surface receptor.
Signalling molecule binding to its cell surface receptor.
Task: Expose plaintiff's attempt to expand prosecution claim boundaries for the purpose of litigation.
Examine internal components by dividing the cartridge along a cutplane.
Probe hybridization to a DNA microarray.
Plaintiff alleged theft of trade secrets, but refused to describe what was stolen.
How a biologic drug can block cellular inflammation signaling.
Explanation of how casinos' use of after-market electronics to inject 3rd-party content into video gaming machine output violated copyright law.
Examination of tire deformation during evasive highway maneuver.
3D molecular model derived from empirical data and depicted on afflicted leaf.
Analogy used in a biotech case to expose the weakness of an opponent's obviousness argument.
Diagnostic device that automates the detection of a target nucleic acid in a sample.
Task: Develop a lay-level analogy for object oriented design methodology (used for custom configuring Web-based computer hardware orders). Implementation: Use an expandable river barge, complete with containers & connector components.
3D model rendering of a motorcyclist's perspective at a controlled intersection.
Contrasting DNA length on two different microarrays.
Demonstrate sequence of driver actions when checking the blind spot.
Examination of the components of a wireless pay-at-the-table system.
Eye-in-the-sky camera perspective on motorcyclist-traffic interactions.
Demonstrate sequence of driver responses at a controlled intersection with pedestrian present.
Transporting a newly produced protein from the Golgi apparatus to a cell organelle.
Lay-friendly explanations of analog computing, and a specific circuit used in wireless communications.
Demonstrate sequence of driver responses when approaching a loading/unloading school bus.
Side camera perspective on motorcyclist-traffic interactions.
3D rendering of high-visibility traffic signal.
3D model of a greenhouse gas.
Demonstrate sequence of driver responses to approaching emerging vehicle.
Explanation of the importance of telomerase in the replication of chromosomal DNA, using a lay-friendly analogy.
Demonstrate the fluid dynamics of a patented waste agitation system.
Summarizing satisfaction of claim conditions.
Motorist's perspective on motorcyclist at a controlled intersection.